Friday, December 4, 2009

How Will You Die?

How will you die? Thats one of those questions that many would love to have answered, but there is not a fool proof method of finding out.

However, studies have shown that a probability of obtaining fatal diseases can be related to an individuals ethnic background, sex, and age. The chart above was derived from data collected by the Centers of Disease Control.

If you notice... the majority of these fatalities are direct results of poor life style choices (i.e. lack of exercise, poor nutrition, etc.). Changing these bad habits can dramatically reduce the probability of obtaining the illnesses demonstrated on this chart.

Please Note: These are the mostly likely causes of death for each race, sex, and age range in America (excluding homicide and accidental death).

To healthier lifestyles,

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my RSS feed HERE.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

15 Foods That Will Help Speed Metabolism and Destroy Your Excess Fat

In a society where people are looking desperately for a "great" diet... I find it appalling that hardly anyone tries a metabolism diet...

Developing a healthy metabolic diet is an essential weight loss component that is often overlooked. As I have discussed in previous articles, metabolism is a process your body goes through when converting food into energy. The metabolic process becomes flawed from unhealthy and inconsistent eating habits resulting in large amounts of fat storage.

A metabolism diet is extremely easy to stay on because it does not constrain you to eating foods that many feel are "tasteless" and/or "non-filling."

Listed below are 15 excellent metabolism boosters that will eliminate unwanted excess fat and bring you one step closer to a happier and healthier lifestyle!

  • Calcium is a major metabolic trigger that has been linked to substantial weight loss. In a study done by the University of Tennessee, dieters who consumed 1,200 mg to 1,300 mg of calcium a day lost nearly double the amount of weight than those who did not take in calcium.
  • Complex carbohydrates, which keep insulin levels low, boost metabolism as well. There is a direct correlation between insulin and fat storage. Low Insulin=Low Fat Storage and High Insulin=High Fat Storage.
Whole Grain Cereal
  • Whole grain cereals also keep insulin levels low because they are a fabulous source of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Eating foods, like whole grain cereal, that keep insulin levels low keeps the body from storing large amounts of fat.

Green Tea
  • Green tea contains a chemical called ECGC that increases your nervous system and brain to accelerate. What does this mean for weight loss? More calories are burned rather than stored. Green Tea, combined with coffee, has been found to increase the total number of calories burn by up to 80!

  • Chicken contains metabolism awesome boosting proteins. Researches in Denmark noticed a substantial increase in metabolism in men who substituted one-fifth of their daily carb intake with protein.

Lean Pork
  • Lean pork contains a very high amount of proteins, which take a long while to digest. This long digestive process keeps is great for maintaining a consistently high metabolic level

  • Coffee is not a "great" choice by any means but the simple fact that caffeinated coffee speed your heart rate up is enough to put it on this list. The key here is limiting the amount sugars/sweeteners and using skim milk.

Lean Beef
  • Lean beef, like lean pork, contains a high level of proteins which take a long time to digest. The digesting process itself burns calories. Sounds like a win-win situation. Be sure that the beef is lean however or the benefit is null.
  • Salmon, which contains a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids, are an excellent metabolic booster. The Omega-3 fatty acids lower a natural hormone (leptin) that is found in your body. Low lipten levels are directly tied to high caloric burn.

  • Tuna, as with salmon, contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids lower the amount of leptin in your body which has been linked to a significant increase in metabolism
  • Turkey is a meat of choice by many dieters and for great reason. This lean protein source is great because, like all protein sources, it take a long while to digest. Thus, keeping a consistent and high level of metabolic burn.
  • Sardines contain fish oil which has been linked by French researchers to reduce excess fat. The great news for anti-fish eaters is, fish oil can be consumed in other fashions than eating fish... (i.e. supplements)

  • Habaneros are mostly know for their hot taste, but they have also been linked to great health benefits. Laval University researchers have found that people who consume these red-peppered snacks burned, on average, 1,000 more calories that those who don't.
  • Jalapenos contain a chemical (capsaicin) that increases the heart rate which in return, speeds up your metabolism.
  • Consuming oats is a great healthy choice for many different reasons. Metabolically speaking, oats take a long time to digest and contain a high amount of fiber. The majority of people eat oats in the morning which is the best time to do so. Since they are hard to digest, it help your body maintain a "full" feeling as well as a high metabolism.
Cayenne Chilies
  • Eating spicy foods have been proven to increase metabolism. In the case of Cayenne Chilies (usually consumed in the form of Cayenne Pepper seasoning), one study has shown that eating one spicy meal a day can increase your metabolism by up to 25%.

One of the most important things someone can do to lose weight is maintain a high and consistent metabolism. Try using some of this metabolic boosters in your diet. You may find yourself feeling lighter.

To healthy lifestyles,

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my RSS feed HERE.

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