Friday, November 6, 2009

Need a Metabolism Increase? Speed Your Metabolism Up FAST with these Seven Easy Steps!

Have you lost that fire that you used to have in High School? No, I'm not talking about that kind of fire... I'm referring to your metabolic fire.

It's not uncommon to hear middle-aged (even college students) say, "Man I just can't eat like I used to... My metabolism just isn't the same as it used to be..."

Many people incorrectly believe, that a metabolism decrease is a way of life and there isn't anything that can be done to prevent it. However... THEY ARE WRONG!

The truth is simple... Metabolism is much like an engine. As long as fuel is being supplied and routine maintenance is performed, it will run on "all cylinders."

After high school, I noticed a substantial decrease in my metabolism... After trying different metabolism boosting methods, I have found seven different metabolism boosting techniques that have worked extremely well for me and many others!

The key to getting your metabolism firing again is to "trick" your body into burning calories more efficiently. This can be done by doing the following seven simple things:

Start Your Day Right

Enjoy a healthy morning breakfast. Studies have shown that eating breakfast will increase resting metabolism by approximately 10%! Also, the increased metabolism reduces the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Take B Vitamins

B Vitamins are very important components of the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and production of energy. B Vitamins deficiency can not only cause a decrease in metabolism, but also cause fatigue and even depression.
  • Foods that contain high levels of B Vitamins include spinach, asparagus, beans (black, soy, navy), melon, fish, broccoli, eggs, and poultry.

Magnesium is a mineral needed by every cell inside the human body. Magnesium is used in many biochemical reactions including protein synthesis and energy metabolism. The National Institute of Health reports the majority of Americans are not getting enough Magnesium in their diet.
  • Foods that contain high levels of Magnesium include green vegetables, halibut, nuts (almonds, cashews, and peanuts), soybeans, whole-grain cereals, oatmeal, and legumes
Smart Snacking with the Six Meals a Day Diet

Snacking gives your body a fuel boost and can help increase your metabolism speed. Eating healthy snacks, in the right portions, will help you avoid overhungry-overeating situations that leads to lethargic feelings and weight problems.
  • Healthy snacks include carb/protein combinations like peanut butter and bananas, trail mix, hummus and baby carrots, apples and low-fat cheese, etc.
Strength Training

This one is pretty obvious... Exercise will of course lead to an increase of metabolism. However, exercise is disregarded by some because of their level of energy. By doing the items above, you will notice a substantial boost in energy and exercise will not seem so daunting. When fat is converted to muscle, through strength training, it gives the body beneficial improvements in strength and function.

Low-Calorie diets are the WORST way to lose weight because it causes your metabolism to slow way down. Food is a stimulate for your body's metabolic system. When eating is stopped or lessened... so is your metabolism rate. The best way to maintain a high level of metabolism is to give your body a consistent supply of healthy food and calories.

For more tips on healthy living go to my iiFitnessii blog.

Have a healthy day!

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