Friday, December 4, 2009

How Will You Die?

How will you die? Thats one of those questions that many would love to have answered, but there is not a fool proof method of finding out.

However, studies have shown that a probability of obtaining fatal diseases can be related to an individuals ethnic background, sex, and age. The chart above was derived from data collected by the Centers of Disease Control.

If you notice... the majority of these fatalities are direct results of poor life style choices (i.e. lack of exercise, poor nutrition, etc.). Changing these bad habits can dramatically reduce the probability of obtaining the illnesses demonstrated on this chart.

Please Note: These are the mostly likely causes of death for each race, sex, and age range in America (excluding homicide and accidental death).

To healthier lifestyles,

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my RSS feed HERE.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

15 Foods That Will Help Speed Metabolism and Destroy Your Excess Fat

In a society where people are looking desperately for a "great" diet... I find it appalling that hardly anyone tries a metabolism diet...

Developing a healthy metabolic diet is an essential weight loss component that is often overlooked. As I have discussed in previous articles, metabolism is a process your body goes through when converting food into energy. The metabolic process becomes flawed from unhealthy and inconsistent eating habits resulting in large amounts of fat storage.

A metabolism diet is extremely easy to stay on because it does not constrain you to eating foods that many feel are "tasteless" and/or "non-filling."

Listed below are 15 excellent metabolism boosters that will eliminate unwanted excess fat and bring you one step closer to a happier and healthier lifestyle!

  • Calcium is a major metabolic trigger that has been linked to substantial weight loss. In a study done by the University of Tennessee, dieters who consumed 1,200 mg to 1,300 mg of calcium a day lost nearly double the amount of weight than those who did not take in calcium.
  • Complex carbohydrates, which keep insulin levels low, boost metabolism as well. There is a direct correlation between insulin and fat storage. Low Insulin=Low Fat Storage and High Insulin=High Fat Storage.
Whole Grain Cereal
  • Whole grain cereals also keep insulin levels low because they are a fabulous source of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Eating foods, like whole grain cereal, that keep insulin levels low keeps the body from storing large amounts of fat.

Green Tea
  • Green tea contains a chemical called ECGC that increases your nervous system and brain to accelerate. What does this mean for weight loss? More calories are burned rather than stored. Green Tea, combined with coffee, has been found to increase the total number of calories burn by up to 80!

  • Chicken contains metabolism awesome boosting proteins. Researches in Denmark noticed a substantial increase in metabolism in men who substituted one-fifth of their daily carb intake with protein.

Lean Pork
  • Lean pork contains a very high amount of proteins, which take a long while to digest. This long digestive process keeps is great for maintaining a consistently high metabolic level

  • Coffee is not a "great" choice by any means but the simple fact that caffeinated coffee speed your heart rate up is enough to put it on this list. The key here is limiting the amount sugars/sweeteners and using skim milk.

Lean Beef
  • Lean beef, like lean pork, contains a high level of proteins which take a long time to digest. The digesting process itself burns calories. Sounds like a win-win situation. Be sure that the beef is lean however or the benefit is null.
  • Salmon, which contains a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids, are an excellent metabolic booster. The Omega-3 fatty acids lower a natural hormone (leptin) that is found in your body. Low lipten levels are directly tied to high caloric burn.

  • Tuna, as with salmon, contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. These acids lower the amount of leptin in your body which has been linked to a significant increase in metabolism
  • Turkey is a meat of choice by many dieters and for great reason. This lean protein source is great because, like all protein sources, it take a long while to digest. Thus, keeping a consistent and high level of metabolic burn.
  • Sardines contain fish oil which has been linked by French researchers to reduce excess fat. The great news for anti-fish eaters is, fish oil can be consumed in other fashions than eating fish... (i.e. supplements)

  • Habaneros are mostly know for their hot taste, but they have also been linked to great health benefits. Laval University researchers have found that people who consume these red-peppered snacks burned, on average, 1,000 more calories that those who don't.
  • Jalapenos contain a chemical (capsaicin) that increases the heart rate which in return, speeds up your metabolism.
  • Consuming oats is a great healthy choice for many different reasons. Metabolically speaking, oats take a long time to digest and contain a high amount of fiber. The majority of people eat oats in the morning which is the best time to do so. Since they are hard to digest, it help your body maintain a "full" feeling as well as a high metabolism.
Cayenne Chilies
  • Eating spicy foods have been proven to increase metabolism. In the case of Cayenne Chilies (usually consumed in the form of Cayenne Pepper seasoning), one study has shown that eating one spicy meal a day can increase your metabolism by up to 25%.

One of the most important things someone can do to lose weight is maintain a high and consistent metabolism. Try using some of this metabolic boosters in your diet. You may find yourself feeling lighter.

To healthy lifestyles,

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my RSS feed HERE.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

10 Simple New Year's Resolutions That Will Make 2010 a Healthy One!

Oprah Winfrey once said, "Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right."

How true is that statement... I mean it is almost comical when you see a huge increase in gym traffic in January and by late February... back to the regular gym junkies.

2010 may be just another year, but unhealthy habits are going to severely limit the number of times you will experience "just another year." The unfortunate truth is this: 43% of adults nationwide will be obese by 2018, according to a 2009 study done by the United Health Foundation, the American Health Association and Partnership for Prevention.

The crazy part about this trend is that it can be prevented. If everyone maintained the same motivation they have at "12:00 AM" on January 1, 2010 throughout the year I wouldn't be talking about this now. I digress.

What is important is understanding how to "keep" your new years resolutions for not just 2010... but for the remainder of your life. Sound daunting? Don't let it. The truth is humans are creatures of habit. Therefore, when we do something repetitively, we begin to do it automatically and with a greater ease.

One of the single most motivational factors for individuals trying to get health is noticeable results (i.e. weight loss, lower cholesterol, improved blood pressure, etc.).

The following New Year's Resolutions will give you the noticeable results that you need to keep on the road to a healthier life style. Lets get started...

  1. Cheat On Your Diet
  2. Stop the Pop
  3. Take Your "Flintstones"
  4. Sit Down and Sit Up
  5. Walk a Mile in Their Shoes
  6. Eat Fast Food
  7. Water Your Soul
  8. Understand What Your Chewing On
  9. Take Sinatra's Approach... Do it "Your Way"
  10. Stop Being So Salty
Sounds simple enough right? Thats because it is!

Always remember... A few bumps in the road never knocked the wheels off your car right!?!?!

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


New Years Resolution #1: Cheat On Your Diet

Cheat on your diet? Seriously? Absolutely!

One of the healthiest things that you can do for yourself is maintain a positive and happy attitude while dieting.

Obviously, cheating on your diet should not occur on a weekly basis. However, every once in a while (say once a month) it is a good idea to "treat" yourself to something that may not be part of your diet.

The key is to "plan" your cheat. Do not just go eat something really bad on a whim because this causes a psychological and structural breakdown without you even knowing it. Once this occurs, it become easier and easier to cheat which will ultimately lead to a complete diet failure!

A toast to organized cheating!

Its OK to keep smiling :)


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New Years Resolution #2: Stop the Pop

The adverse effects of consuming soft drinks are not any secret yet consumption remains steady. Don't get me wrong, it isn't nearly as bad as smoking cigarettes or other toxic drugs.

Regardless, there are some pretty eye opening facts about soft drinks that need to be put out in the open. For example, many studies have shown that obesity in America is caused from consuming approximately 100 calories over the recommended amount. Eliminating one can a day from a typical diet lowers your caloric intake by approximately 160 calories (typical amount of calories per can).

Besides the extra calories, soft drinks contain a large amount of unhealthy sugars and can lead to diabetes or other unhealthy/fatal diseases.

Although it sounds easy, I know that many people are addicted (I was in this category once). If you are addicted to the "bubbly" feeling of the carbonated drinks, there are many non-sugary, carbonated drinks on that market that can be used as a substitute. If caffeine is the issue, Green Tea is an excellent substitute that actually slightly increase your metabolism, thus increases calorie burning!

This simple elimination will yield visible weight loss within weeks. A total of 15 lbs. (approximate) is lost by just not consuming soft drinks. Not bad eh?

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


Resolutions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New Years Resolution #3: Take Your "Flintstones"

I'm not sure if you had the same experience I did as a young kid, but one of my most favorite times of day was when my mom would say, "Son... Time to take your Flintstones..."

Flintstones, of course, were the children's vitamin that tastes like a sweet crunchy candy that would make my mouth water and my mouth smile.

I mean seriously... They had to be awesome if my favorite time of the day was when I took my vitamins... but I never looked at it like that.

The vitamins that I take today, taste nothing like Flintstones, but they are just as important. Although it is physically possible, it is very unlikely to consume all of the vitamins and minerals that your body desperately needs to run efficiently.

There a large "leather-bound" books <- Ron Burgundy Shout Out -> that detail the importance of vitamin consumption. For time and attention-keeping purposes, I'm going to just say... They are essential!

Many different health risks and diseases result from vitamin deficiencies... So, do your body a favor and take a One-A-Day vitamin or something comparable. It could save your life and well being...

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #4: Sit Down and Situp

One of the most fundamental exercises on the planet is the "sit-up." The best part about this exercise, besides the results, is the ability to do it anywhere.

One of my favorite things to do is do sit-ups while watching T.V. Do you have any idea how many sets of abdominal exercises you can do while watching your favorite thirty minute T.V. show?!?!

The key is maintaining proper form. Click HERE for a great video that details different abdominal workouts and their proper forms.

If your like me, you really don't have a lot of time to set aside for working out. Doing sit-ups 15-20 minutes a day, if done correctly, will burn off that unwanted fat in weeks!

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #5: Walk A Mile in Their Shoes

Walking is not a "new" New Year's Resolution idea... but it is a great one! Walking is an exercise that has been linked to weight loss, stress relief, and much more.

A famous comedian Jack Handey once said, "Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them... you're a mile away and you have their shoes."

In all seriousness, developing a walking plan is a HUGE step toward living a healthier lifestyle. A simple plan that works is walking 2-3 miles a day for at least five days a week. The average speed of a normal human walking is 3 miles an hour so a brisk walk should only take around 30-45 minutes.

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #6: Eat Fast Food

Did I really say a good New Year's Resolution is eating fast food!?!?! Yes... You heard me right.

Historically, fast food has received a really bad reputation and has been blamed for the large percentage of obese people in the world. Rightfully so, but the fast food chains have been making a effort to include healthy menu choices.

Although fast food is NOT a great daily option, the new healthy menu items offered allow dieters to grab that "quick meal" when they are in a crunch. The resolution, of course, is simple. When you eat fast food, make sure it is a healthy choice.

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #7: Water Your Soul

If there is one single important New Year's Resolution that you should adopt is drinking enough water everyday and stay hydrated.

Many people are unaware that they are suffering from slight to moderate chronic dehydration. This condition doesn't necessarily produce strong enough symptoms to be noticed, but it will cause some of the following adverse health effects:
  • Excess Body Fat
  • Poor Muscle Tone
  • Digestive Complications
  • Muscle Soreness and Cramps
  • Water Retention Issues
Doctors used to believe that, in order to stay hydrated, someone needed to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water. This is not necessarily the case. Your hydration level is directly linked to your urine. If your urine is clear... 9 times out of 10... you are completely hydrated.

If you are one of the many that do not like the taste of water, just remember that it will develop over time. Your body will get so used to the water your brain will begin to crave it!

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #8: Understand What Your Chewing On

Enough cannot be said about how important knowing the nutritional facts BEFORE you take your first bite. This New Year's resolution isn't necessarily difficult, but it will be a change of habit for some.

Traditionally, nutrition facts were something fast food restaurants did not disclose unless asked. Now, most big food chains (McDonald's, Hardee's, etc.) have this information on the packaging.

Nevertheless, the nutritional information is not understood when ordered placed... so once the food is paid for, it is unlikely for you to change your mind and get something healthier.

A recent ground breaking law in New York City, which requires restaurants to label the calories on the menus, has shown that people will eat less if they are given the nutritional information before they place their order.

It makes perfect sense. Would you order a meal if you were told the total calories of that meal is around 1,000? Unlikely.

Do your body a favor and understand what you are eating. It will give you a sense of empowerment and help you stay on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #9: Take Sinatra's Approach... Do it "Your Way"

Some of the best advice you can ever take is to do things YOUR way. The same can be said for dieting, fitness, and healthy living. Everybody is different and so should their workouts and diet.

I have always been a big fan of creating your "hybrid" health plan which should be a combination of different plans that worked for others.

Not everything that worked for one will work for you. If you try a diet or workout and you notice some parts are not doing anything for you... cut that part out. My health plan is a combination of five or six different plans that I have tried in the past.

Your body will not lie to you, so if it is telling you something listen to it.
Too sore? Slow down. Too hungry? Eat more/better. No time? Quicker workouts.

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


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New Years Resolution #10: Stop Being So Salty

Wanna lose weight in 2010 and keep it off? Take a serious look at the amount of table salt that you ingest on a daily basis. Sodium, in unhealthy amounts, is one of the worst things you can put in your body

Table salt, which is the most commonly digested, is not easily metabolized by the human body. Additionally, salt causes dehydration that can have many different adverse health effects.

During production, the salt is bleached and all the minerals are leached from it. Therefore, the nutritional gain from salt is very low. Natural salt, which is a healthier choice, is not used in most products that contain sodium. It is most likely table salt or processed sodium was used.

Table salt has been linked in several studies to strokes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and kidney disease.

For more tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to my iiFitnessii blog HERE or my iiFitnessii RSS feed HERE.

Hope this helps bring you a Happy New Year for 2010 and many more years to come!


Resolutions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fast Food = Weight Loss; Your Guide to Healthy Fast Food Choices...

Needing a quick cheap meal, but you don't want to gain unwanted weight? The answer is simple... Fast Food...

You heard me right! Although the majority of fast food chains' menu items are horrible for you... nearly EVERY restaurant has some sort of healthy option that won't leave you feeling really guilty and heavier.

Listed below is a list of links to my healthy choice options for different fast food restaurants. This article will be updated constantly so be sure to "bookmark" this article and come back for more choices.

Fast Food Restaurants Healthy Meal Options
For more fitness and health related tips and tricks... Please visit iiFitnessii...


Need Help Dieting? Ask the Colonel... Colonel Sanders That Is!

Nowadays, eating fast food seems to be a way of life. Some argue "it doesn't have to be that way" but the truth is... sometimes you just need a quick meal.

The problem is, fast food (generally speaking) is horrible for your body. However, nearly every fast food restaurant offers at least one healthy choice on their menu.

One of the healthiest choices, in regards to fast food, is on KFC's menu.

Traditionally, KFC is thought of as "Deep Fried Finger Lickin' Chicken" that tastes great but comes with a side of "open heart surgery."

So what is this "healthy" KFC menu item you ask?

Honey BBQ KFC Snacker
Nutritional Facts
  • Calories: 420 (A little high, but if eaten at lunch, these calories will be used up while your active throughout the day)
  • Fat: 6 grams (5 of those grams are unsaturated)
  • Saturated Fat: 1 gram (Excellent!)
  • Protein: 28 grams (Excellent Source!)
Sure the "Snackers" are small (hence the name) but this tasty sandwich works EXTREMELY well into the "Six Meals a Day Diet" that I am constantly promoting!

This blog is part of an ongoing series: "Fast Food = Weight Loss; Your Guide to Healthy Fast Food Choices..."

For more health and fitness tips and tricks... Be sure to visit iiFitnessii!

Healthy living!

Wanna Lose Weight? Grab Some Hardee's!?!?!?

Seriously? Is it even possible for the the words "lose weight" to be in the same sentence as "Hardee's"?

Actually... it is! However it is a rare occasion considering that nearly everything sold at Hardee's is bad for you. What is this healthy meal option at Hardee's???

The Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich

Get a load of these nutritional facts!

  • Calories: 415 (A little high, but if eaten at lunch... easy to burn off)
  • Fat: 5 grams (4 of those grams are unsaturated)
  • Saturated Fat: 1 gram (NICE!)
I would have to say... This is a pretty healthy choice for someone who needs to grab a quick meal...

This blog is part of an ongoing series: "Fast Food = Weight Loss; Your Guide to Healthy Fast Food Choices..."

For more health and fitness tips and tricks... Be sure to visit iiFitnessii!

Happy Healthy Living!

Dieting... Eat McDonald's!?!?!? A McDonald's Meal that WON'T Break Your Diet

How many times have you started a diet... and then you need to eat something that is fast, cheap, and tasty?

As much as I hate to admit it... I love the taste of McDonald's. Obviously, I'm not the only one. McDonald's reported annual sales of $23.5 Billion in 2008.

Now please do not get me wrong... I do NOT think eating McDonald's all the time is a healthy choice but there is one McDonald's meal that isn't nutritionally horrible.

Ironically, many people falsely assume that the McDonald's "Premium Chicken" meals are healthy but that is far from the truth. For example, the McDonald's Premium Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich (sounds healthy eh?) has a whopping 630 Calories and 7 grams of saturated fat!

So What is the Healthy McDonald's Meal?

Six-Piece Chicken McNuggets

Nutritional Facts
  • Calories: 280
  • Fat: 17 grams (14 grams are unsaturated (good) fat)
  • Saturated (Bad) Fat: 3 grams
  • Sodium: 600 mg
Now you can eat a quick and cheap McDonald's meal that doesn't scream weight gain! It is important to remember that it is not where you eat... it is what you eat!

I don't know about you but... "I'm Lovin' It!" (I know... Pretty Cheesy...)

For more fitness and health tips and tricks... visit iiFitnessii...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tasty Chicken Enchiladas - A Excellent Low Fat Recipe!

Tasty Chicken Enchiladas
Sliced Cantaloupe & Yellow Rice


  • Fat Free Refried Beans (1 can)
  • 5 Fat Free Flour Tortillas
  • Fat Free Cream of Chicken Soup (1 can)
  • Fat Free Sour Cream (4 oz)
  • 2 Chicken Breasts (Cooked, Cubed)
  • 2% Shredded Cheddar Cheese (1 cup)
  • Enchilada Sauce (1 Small Can)
  • Spread 2-3 T of beans on each tortilla
  • Combine soup, sour cream, & chicken and place the mixture in the middle of the tortillas. Sprinkle cheese on top.
  • Roll the Tortillas up and place them in a greased 8X8 or bigger baking dish.
  • Pour the enchilada sauce over the top and sprinkle some more cheese
  • Bake, covered, @ 350 for approximately 35 minutes
This is one of my favorites...

I hope you enjoy!

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